This Moment: Jessica Zoob

10 Chancery Lane Gallery is honoured to debut in Hong Kong British artist Jessica Zoob in her exhibition of paintings entitled “This Moment.” This body of work is about the extraordinary pivotal time we find ourselves in. The gallery will host a series of events to raise our consciousness towards the environment and use art as a way to do this.
In Jessica Zoob’s own words:
“This collection is about the precarious state of our planet, how passionate I am about it, how desperately I care for it, how fragile I understand it to be and how hopeful I am that with enough support and knowledge and people becoming less ignorant about what they are doing, by making good choices, by being willing to change and embrace the wild, we can actually protect and save our world and make it into the wonderful place it should be. I hope to encourage people to stop and gaze, to be reminded of the beauty of nature and to be inspired to protect it.”
With this inspiration in mind, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery along with Jessica Zoob is working for this exhibition to help the environment we live in. On June 8th 6-9pm we will host an evening for WORLD OCEANS DAY in collaboration with Craig Leeson and Julie Anderson of Plastic Oceans, Lea d’Auriol of Oceanic Global and Gary Stokes of Oceans Asia. Jessica has donated 2 paintings where 100% will go to these causes and all donations raised on the evening will go to Oceans Asia. Please to this event, subject World Oceans Day.
Later in the month we will be working to “Break the Chain - Stop Wildlife Traffickers Using our City”, an innovative city-wide mural campaign using Augmented Reality (AR) to bring to life paintings of animals trafficked through Hong Kong such as rhinos, pangolins, sharks. As well, we will be offering our support for Habitat for Humanity’s Hong Kong programs.